Sobran Column -- Smearing Buchanan
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Smearing Buchanan

October 26, 1999

On Monday, October 25, Pat Buchanan announced that he was (as expected) leaving the Republican Party to seek the presidential nomination of the Reform Party. That same day, the Wall Street Journal, with obvious malice aforethought, devoted most of its editorial page to an extended character assassination of Buchanan by the fanatical Zionist Norman Podhoretz, former editor of Commentary magazine.

Podhoretz accused Buchanan of anti-Semitism, a charge he has been flinging since 1990, when Buchanan noted that Israel’s “amen corner” was calling for war with Iraq, and he still cites that crack as evidence of Buchanan’s bigotry. He doesn’t say whether Israel actually has an “amen corner” in this country, probably because the answer is so obvious. The Amen Corner, consisting of Zionists like Podhoretz himself, passionately advocated war on Iraq, Israel’s enemy.

After the war it transpired that Buchanan himself hadn’t known the full truth: the same Wall Street Journal reported that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee had been lobbying Congress behind the scenes to declare war on Iraq. The Amen Corner had been busier than most of us had imagined.

Podhoretz offers no evidence that Buchanan has ever treated Jews other than decently; he merely objects to some of his opinions on Israel, World War II, and American foreign policy. For Podhoretz, these add up to “anti-Semitism.”

But the word “anti-Semitism” prejudices the whole discussion. In the long history of friction between Jews and gentiles, it presumes that the fault has always been on the side of the gentiles, who have distrusted Jews for no reason. There is no similar word — “anti-gentilism”? — for the corresponding attitude of Jews, as exemplified by Podhoretz’s beloved state of Israel, where gentiles are legally inferior to Jews. In a Jewish version of Jim Crow, for example, gentiles are banned from residence on over 90 per cent of the land of Israel.

Needless to say, Buchanan doesn’t demand residency restrictions on Jews in America. Neither, for that matter, does David Duke. What is fundamental law in Israel would be deemed illegal and downright indecent in this country.

But we are to understand that Jews are always victims, even when they are persecuting others. Since Podhoretz supports the discriminatory Israeli system, his charge of “anti-Semitism” is hypocritical. For Israel he holds principles directly contrary to those he espouses for America.

Podhoretz typefies a large number of Jews in this country who validate what he calls “the old canard of ‘dual loyalty.’” Their loyalty is hardly even “dual”: for them Israel always comes first, and they attack U.S. presidents such as George H.W. Bush for refusing to sacrifice American interests to Israel’s. Podhoretz edited Commentary for many years, and he and his writers never objected to any Israeli policy on grounds that while good for Israel, it might be bad for the United States. You’d expect genuine “dual” loyalty to favor the United States every now and then.

For Commentary, as for the rest of the Amen Corner, American interests are never a standard for judging Israel; Israeli interests are the standard for judging America. Since Jews are always victims, everything the Israelis do to others is “self-defense.”

So in his own mind, warped as it is by Zionist ideology, Podhoretz is smearing Buchanan in self-defense. If everyone adopted Buchanan’s “America First” principle, after all, American aid and favor to Israel might come to an end. Never mind that such aid is unconstitutional and contrary to the warnings of the Founding Fathers of this country. It’s telling that Podhoretz makes no attempt to argue that support for Israel has been good for America.

Not content with voluntary American aid, the Israelis have long practiced espionage and technology theft in this country. The convicted spy Jonathan Pollard, serving a life sentence, is a national hero in Israel, where a generous pension awaits him if he is ever released from prison here — and Zionist groups are joining the Israeli government in pressing for his early release.

The charge of “anti- Semitism” is really a complaint that Pat Buchanan, unlike most American politicians and journalists, is insufficiently subservient to organized Jewish power. He has committed the sin of refusing to cower and grovel. Far from being a hater, he is the target of the most obsessive hate in America today — even in the “respectable” press.

Joseph Sobran

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